Animalia > Chordata > Mammalia > Carnivora > Viverridae

Viverridae (civets, genets, linsangs, and relatives)

Wikipedia Abstract

Viverridae is a family of small to medium-sized mammals, the viverrids (/vaɪˈvɛrɪdz/), comprising 15 genera, which are subdivided into 38 species. This family was named and first described by John Edward Gray in 1821. Members of this family are commonly called civets or genets. Viverrids are found in South and Southeast Asia, across the Wallace Line, all over Africa, and into southern Europe. Their occurrence in Sulawesi and in some of the adjoining islands shows them to be ancient inhabitants of the Old World tropics.
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Africanictis (3)
Arctictis (binturong) (2)
Arctogalidia (small-toothed palm civet) (2)
Chrotogale (Owston's palm civet) (1)
Civettictis (African civet) (1)
Cynogale (otter civet) (1)
Diplogale (Hose's palm civet) (1)
Hemigalus (banded palm civet) (1)
Ketketictis (1)
Lophocyon (2)
Macrogalidia (Sulawesi palm civet) (2)
Mioparadoxurus (1)
Mioprionodon (1)
Orangictis (1)
Paguma (masked palm civet) (1)
Paradoxurus (palm civets) (7)
Poiana (African linsang) (2)
Prionodon (3)
Pseudocivetta (2)
Semigenetta (1)
Sivanasua (1)
Stenogale (3)
Stenoplesictis (5)
Tugenictis (1)
Ugandictis (1)
Viverra (civets) (10)
Viverricula (small Indian civet) (3)

(...) = Species count

External References

Species taxanomy provided by GBIF Secretariat (2022). GBIF Backbone Taxonomy. Checklist dataset accessed via on 2023-06-13; License: CC BY 4.0