Animalia > Chordata > Mammalia > Rodentia > Dipodidae > Allactaga

Allactaga (four and five-toed jerboas)


Wikipedia Abstract

The genus Allactaga contains the four and five-toed jerboas of Asia. They are small mammals belonging to the order of rodents. They are characteristically known as the hopping rodents of the desert and semi-arid regions. They have long hind feet, short forelimbs, and walk upright. They have large ears in comparison to their body size and a large tail. The tail assists and serves as support when the jerboa is standing upright. The jerboa body length ranges from 5-15 cm and has a tail ranging from 7-25 cm. The "forelimbs of the jerboa serve as a pair of hands for feeding, grooming, etc." Jerboas use their nose to burrow and push the dirt when looking for food. The male jerboa is usually larger in size and weight in comparison to the female jerboa. The pelt of the jerboa is either silky or ve
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Allactaga balikunica (Balikun jerboa) (Attributes)
Allactaga bullata (Gobi jerboa) (Attributes)
Allactaga elater (Five-toed jerboa) (Attributes)
Allactaga euphratica (Euphrates jerboa) (Attributes)
Allactaga fru
Allactaga hotsoni (Hotson's jerboa) (Attributes)
Allactaga major (Great jerboa) (Attributes)
Allactaga severtzovi (Severtzov's jerboa) (Attributes)
Allactaga sibirica (Siberian five-toed jerboa) (Attributes)
Allactaga tetradactyla (four-toed jerboa) (Attributes)
Allactaga vinogradovi (Vinogradov's jerboa) (Attributes)
Allactaga williamsi (Williams' Jerboa) (Attributes)

External References

Species taxanomy provided by GBIF Secretariat (2022). GBIF Backbone Taxonomy. Checklist dataset accessed via on 2023-06-13; License: CC BY 4.0