Plantae > Tracheophyta > Magnoliopsida > Caryophyllales > Polygonaceae > Eriogonum

Eriogonum (buckwheat; wild buckwheat) with Attributes


Wikipedia Abstract

Eriogonum is the scientific name for a genus of flowering plants in the family Polygonaceae. The genus is found in North America and is known as wild buckwheat. This is a highly species-rich genus, and indications are that active speciation is continuing. It includes some common wildflowers such as the California buckwheat (Eriogonum fasciculatum). It came into the news in 2005 when the Mount Diablo buckwheat (Eriogonum truncatum, believed to be extinct) was rediscovered.
View Wikipedia Record: Eriogonum


Eriogonum abertianum (Abert buckwheat) (Attributes)
Eriogonum acaule (pointed eriogonum) (Attributes)
Eriogonum alatum (wind wildbuckwheat) (Attributes)
Eriogonum aliquantum (Cimarron buckwheat) (Attributes)
Eriogonum allenii (shalebarren buckwheat) (Attributes)
Eriogonum alpinum (Trinity buckwheat) (Attributes)
Eriogonum ammophilum (ibex buckwheat) (Attributes)
Eriogonum ampullaceum (Mono buckwheat) (Attributes)
Eriogonum androsaceum (rockjasmine buckwheat) (Attributes)
Eriogonum anemophilum (west Humboldt buckwheat) (Attributes)
Eriogonum angulosum (anglestem buckwheat) (Attributes)
Eriogonum annuum (annual buckwheat) (Attributes)
Eriogonum apiculatum (San Jacinto buckwheat) (Attributes)
Eriogonum apricum (Ione buckwheat) (Attributes)
Eriogonum arborescens (Santa Cruz Island buckwheat) (Attributes)
Eriogonum aretioides (Red Canyon buckwheat) (Attributes)
Eriogonum argillosum (clay buckwheat) (Attributes)
Eriogonum argophyllum (Sulphur Hot Springs buckwheat) (Attributes)
Eriogonum arizonicum (Arizona buckwheat) (Attributes)
Eriogonum atrorubens (buckwheat) (Attributes)
Eriogonum baileyi (Bailey's buckwheat) (Attributes)
Eriogonum batemanii (Bateman's buckwheat) (Attributes)
Eriogonum bicolor (pretty buckwheat) (Attributes)
Eriogonum bifurcatum (Pahrump Valley buckwheat) (Attributes)
Eriogonum blissianum (Bliss' buckwheat) (Attributes)
Eriogonum brachyanthum (shortflower buckwheat) (Attributes)
Eriogonum brachypodum (Parry's buckwheat) (Attributes)
Eriogonum brandegeei (Brandegee's buckwheat) (Attributes)
Eriogonum breedlovei (Piute buckwheat) (Attributes)
Eriogonum brevicaule (shortstem buckwheat) (Attributes)
Eriogonum butterworthianum (Butterworth's buckwheat) (Attributes)
Eriogonum caespitosum (matted wild buckwheat) (Attributes)
Eriogonum capillare (San Carlos buckwheat) (Attributes)
Eriogonum cernuum (nodding wild buckwheat) (Attributes)
Eriogonum chrysops (bitterroot buckwheat) (Attributes)
Eriogonum cinereum (coastal buckwheat) (Attributes)
Eriogonum cithariforme (Cithara buckwheat) (Attributes)
Eriogonum clavatum (Attributes)
Eriogonum clavellatum (Comb Wash buckwheat) (Attributes)
Eriogonum codium (basalt desert buckwheat) (Attributes)
Eriogonum collinum (hill buckwheat) (Attributes)
Eriogonum coloradense (Colorado buckwheat) (Attributes)
Eriogonum compositum (arrowleaf buckwheat) (Attributes)
Eriogonum concinnum (mourning buckwheat) (Attributes)
Eriogonum congdonii (Congdon's buckwheat) (Attributes)
Eriogonum contiguum (Ash Meadows buckwheat) (Attributes)
Eriogonum contortum (grand buckwheat) (Attributes)
Eriogonum correllii (Correll's buckwheat) (Attributes)
Eriogonum corymbosum (corymbed buckwheat) (Attributes)
Eriogonum covilleanum (Coville's buckwheat) (Attributes)
Eriogonum crocatum (Conejo buckwheat) (Attributes)
Eriogonum cronquistii (Bull Mountain buckwheat) (Attributes)
Eriogonum crosbyae (Crosby's buckwheat) (Attributes)
Eriogonum cusickii (Cusick's buckwheat) (Attributes)
Eriogonum darrovii (carrot buckwheat) (Attributes)
Eriogonum dasyanthemum (chaparral buckwheat) (Attributes)
Eriogonum davidsonii (Davidson's wild buckwheat) (Attributes)
Eriogonum deflexum (flatcrown buckwheat) (Attributes)
Eriogonum deserticola (Colorado Desert buckwheat) (Attributes)
Eriogonum desertorum (desert buckwheat) (Attributes)
Eriogonum diclinum (Jaynes Canyon buckwheat) (Attributes)
Eriogonum divaricatum (divergent wild buckwheat) (Attributes)
Eriogonum douglasii (Douglas' buckwheat) (Attributes)
Eriogonum duchesnense (Duchesne buckwheat) (Attributes)
Eriogonum eastwoodianum (Eastwood's buckwheat) (Attributes)
Eriogonum effusum (buckwheat eriogonum) (Attributes)
Eriogonum elatum (rush buckwheat) (Attributes)
Eriogonum elegans (elegant buckwheat) (Attributes)
Eriogonum elongatum (longstem buckwheat) (Attributes)
Eriogonum ephedroides (ephedra buckwheat) (Attributes)
Eriogonum eremicola (Telescope Peak buckwheat) (Attributes)
Eriogonum eremicum (limestone buckwheat) (Attributes)
Eriogonum ericifolium (Yavapai buckwheat) (Attributes)
Eriogonum esmeraldense (Esmeralda buckwheat) (Attributes)
Eriogonum exilifolium (dropleaf buckwheat) (Attributes)
Eriogonum fasciculatum (flattop buckwheat) (Attributes)
Eriogonum flavum (alpine golden buckwheat) (Attributes)
Eriogonum fusiforme (Native American pipeweed) (Attributes)
Eriogonum giganteum (St. Catherine's lace) (Attributes)
Eriogonum gilmanii (Gilman's buckwheat) (Attributes)
Eriogonum glandulosum (Gambel's buckwheat) (Attributes)
Eriogonum gordonii (Gordon eriogonum) (Attributes)
Eriogonum gossypinum (gypsum wild-buckwheat) (Attributes)
Eriogonum gracile (slender woolly buckwheat) (Attributes)
Eriogonum gracilipes (White Mountain buckwheat) (Attributes)
Eriogonum gracillimum (rose and white buckwheat) (Attributes)
Eriogonum grande (redflower buckwheat) (Attributes)
Eriogonum greggii (Gregg's buckwheat) (Attributes)
Eriogonum gypsophilum (Gypsum wild-buckwheat) (Attributes)
Eriogonum havardii (Havard's buckwheat) (Attributes)
Eriogonum heermannii (Heermann's buckwheat) (Attributes)
Eriogonum hemipterum (Chisos Mountain buckwheat) (Attributes)
Eriogonum heracleoides (parsnipflower buckwheat) (Attributes)
Eriogonum hieracifolium (hawkweed buckwheat) (Attributes)
Eriogonum hirtellum (Klamath Mountain buckwheat) (Attributes)
Eriogonum hirtiflorum (hairyflower buckwheat) (Attributes)
Eriogonum hoffmannii (Hoffmann's buckwheat) (Attributes)
Eriogonum holmgrenii (Holmgren'sbuckwheat) (Attributes)
Eriogonum hookeri (Hooker'sbuckwheat) (Attributes)
Eriogonum howellianum (Howell's buckwheat) (Attributes)
Eriogonum hylophilum (Gate Canyon buckwheat) (Attributes)
Eriogonum incanum (frosted buckwheat) (Attributes)
Eriogonum inerme (unarmed buckwheat) (Attributes)
Eriogonum inflatum (Native American pipeweed) (Attributes)
Eriogonum intrafractum (napkinring) (Attributes)
Eriogonum jamesii (james wildbuckwheat) (Attributes)
Eriogonum jonesii (Jones' buckwheat) (Attributes)
Eriogonum kelloggii (Red Mountain buckwheat) (Attributes)
Eriogonum kennedyi (Kennedy's buckwheat) (Attributes)
Eriogonum kingii (Ruby Mountain buckwheat) (Attributes)
Eriogonum lancifolium (lanceleaf buckwheat) (Attributes)
Eriogonum latens (onionflower buckwheat) (Attributes)
Eriogonum latifolium (seaside buckwheat) (Attributes)
Eriogonum lemmonii (Lemmon's buckwheat) (Attributes)
Eriogonum leptocladon (sand buckwheat) (Attributes)
Eriogonum leptophyllum (slender-leaf buckwheat) (Attributes)
Eriogonum lobbii (Lobb's buckwheat) (Attributes)
Eriogonum loganum (Cache Valley buckwheat) (Attributes)
Eriogonum lonchophyllum (spearleaf buckwheat) (Attributes)
Eriogonum longifolium (longleaf eriogonum) (Attributes)
Eriogonum luteolum (goldencarpet buckwheat) (Attributes)
Eriogonum maculatum (spotted buckwheat) (Attributes)
Eriogonum mancum (imperfect buckwheat) (Attributes)
Eriogonum marifolium (marumleaf buckwheat) (Attributes)
Eriogonum mensicola (crescent buckwheat) (Attributes)
Eriogonum microtheca (slender buckwheat) (Attributes)
Eriogonum mohavense (Western Mojave buckwheat) (Attributes)
Eriogonum molestum (pineland buckwheat) (Attributes)
Eriogonum mortonianum (Fredonia wild buckwheat) (Attributes)
Eriogonum multiflorum (heartsepal wildbuckwheat) (Attributes)
Eriogonum natum (Son's buckwheat) (Attributes)
Eriogonum nealleyi (Irion County buckwheat) (Attributes)
Eriogonum nebraskense (Nebraska buckwheat) (Attributes)
Eriogonum nervulosum (Snow Mountain buckwheat) (Attributes)
Eriogonum nidularium (birdnest buckwheat) (Attributes)
Eriogonum niveum (snow buckwheat) (Attributes)
Eriogonum nortonii (Pinnacles buckwheat) (Attributes)
Eriogonum novonudum (false naked buckwheat) (Attributes)
Eriogonum nudum (naked buckwheat) (Attributes)
Eriogonum nummulare (Kearney's buckwheat) (Attributes)
Eriogonum nutans (Dugway buckwheat) (Attributes)
Eriogonum ochrocephalum (ocherflower buckwheat) (Attributes)
Eriogonum ordii (Fort Mojave buckwheat) (Attributes)
Eriogonum ostlundii (Elsinore buckwheat) (Attributes)
Eriogonum ovalifolium (ovalleaf eriogonum) (Attributes)
Eriogonum palmerianum (Palmer's wild buckwheat) (Attributes)
Eriogonum panamintense (Panamint Mountain buckwheat) (Attributes)
Eriogonum panguicense (Panguitch buckwheat) (Attributes)
Eriogonum parishii (mountainmist) (Attributes)
Eriogonum parvifolium (seacliff buckwheat) (Attributes)
Eriogonum pauciflorum (fewflower buckwheat) (Attributes)
Eriogonum pendulum (Waldo buckwheat) (Attributes)
Eriogonum pharnaceoides (ginseng buckwheat) (Attributes)
Eriogonum plumatella (yucca buckwheat) (Attributes)
Eriogonum polycladon (sorrel buckwheat) (Attributes)
Eriogonum polypodum (foxtail buckwheat) (Attributes)
Eriogonum prattenianum (Nevada City buckwheat) (Attributes)
Eriogonum pusillum (puny buckwheat) (Attributes)
Eriogonum pyrolifolium (Shasta buckwheat) (Attributes)
Eriogonum racemosum (redroot buckwheat) (Attributes)
Eriogonum reniforme (kidneyleaf buckwheat) (Attributes)
Eriogonum ripleyi (Fraziers Well buckwheat) (Attributes)
Eriogonum rixfordii (pagoda buckwheat) (Attributes)
Eriogonum robustum (granite buckwheat) (Attributes)
Eriogonum rosense (rosy buckwheat) (Attributes)
Eriogonum roseum (wand buckwheat) (Attributes)
Eriogonum rotundifolium (round-leaf wild buckwheat) (Attributes)
Eriogonum rubricaule (redstem buckwheat) (Attributes)
Eriogonum rupinum (canyon buckwheat) (Attributes)
Eriogonum salicornioides (saltwort buckwheat) (Attributes)
Eriogonum saxatile (hoary buckwheat) (Attributes)
Eriogonum scabrellum (Westwater buckwheat) (Attributes)
Eriogonum scopulorum (cliff buckwheat) (Attributes)
Eriogonum shockleyi (Shockley's buckwheat) (Attributes)
Eriogonum siskiyouense (Siskiyou buckwheat) (Attributes)
Eriogonum smithii (flat-top buckwheat) (Attributes)
Eriogonum soredium (Frisco buckwheat) (Attributes)
Eriogonum spathulatum (spoonleaf buckwheat) (Attributes)
Eriogonum spergulinum (spurry buckwheat) (Attributes)
Eriogonum sphaerocephalum (rock buckwheat) (Attributes)
Eriogonum strictum (Blue Mountain buckwheat) (Attributes)
Eriogonum subreniforme (kidney-shape wild buckwheat) (Attributes)
Eriogonum suffruticosum (bushy buckwheat) (Attributes)
Eriogonum temblorense (Temblor buckwheat) (Attributes)
Eriogonum tenellum (matted wildbuckwheat) (Attributes)
Eriogonum ternatum (ternate buckwheat) (Attributes)
Eriogonum thomasii (Thomas buckwheat) (Attributes)
Eriogonum thompsoniae (Thompson's buckwheat) (Attributes)
Eriogonum thurberi (Thurber's wild buckwheat) (Attributes)
Eriogonum thymoides (thymeleaf buckwheat) (Attributes)
Eriogonum tiehmii (Tiehm's buckwheat) (Attributes)
Eriogonum tomentosum (dogtongue buckwheat) (Attributes)
Eriogonum trichopes (little deserttrumpet) (Attributes)
Eriogonum tripodum (tripod buckwheat) (Attributes)
Eriogonum truncatum (Mt. Diablo buckwheat) (Attributes)
Eriogonum tumulosum (Woodside buckwheat) (Attributes)
Eriogonum umbellatum (sulfer flower buckwheat) (Attributes)
Eriogonum ursinum (Bear Valley buckwheat) (Attributes)
Eriogonum vestitum (Idria buckwheat) (Attributes)
Eriogonum villiflorum (gray buckwheat) (Attributes)
Eriogonum vimineum (broom buckwheat) (Attributes)
Eriogonum viridescens (twotooth buckwheat) (Attributes)
Eriogonum viridulum (clay hill buckwheat) (Attributes)
Eriogonum viscidulum (clammy buckwheat) (Attributes)
Eriogonum visheri (Visher's wild buckwheat) (Attributes)
Eriogonum watsonii (Watson's buckwheat) (Attributes)
Eriogonum wetherillii (Wetherill's buckwheat) (Attributes)
Eriogonum wrightii (bastardsage) (Attributes)
Eriogonum zionis (Zion buckwheat) (Attributes)

External References

Species taxanomy provided by GBIF Secretariat (2022). GBIF Backbone Taxonomy. Checklist dataset accessed via on 2023-06-13; License: CC BY 4.0