Animalia > Chordata > Squamata > Gekkonidae > Gekko

Gekko (gekkos)

Synonyms: Gecco; Gecus; Geko

Wikipedia Abstract

Gekko is a genus of colorful and diverse Southeast Asian geckos commonly known as true geckos or calling geckos. Although species such as Gekko gecko (the tokay gecko) are very widespread and common, some species in the same genus have a very small range and are considered rare or endangered.
View Wikipedia Record: Gekko


Gekko aaronbaueri (Aaron Bauer’s Gecko) (Vulnerable) (Attributes)
Gekko adleri (Attributes)
Gekko albofasciolatus (Smith's Green-eyed Gecko, Large Forest Gecko)
Gekko athymus (Brown's Gecko) (Attributes)
Gekko auriverrucosus (Shanxi Gecko) (Attributes)
Gekko badenii (Golden Gecko) (Endangered) (Attributes)
Gekko bannaense (Attributes)
Gekko boehmei (Boehme’s Gecko) (Vulnerable) (Attributes)
Gekko bonkowskii (Bonkowski’s Gecko) (Vulnerable) (Attributes)
Gekko browni (Brown's (Wolf) Gecko) (Attributes)
Gekko canaensis (Attributes)
Gekko canhi (Canhs Gecko)
Gekko carusadensis (Luzon Karst Gecko) (Attributes)
Gekko chinensis (Gray's Chinese Gecko) (Attributes)
Gekko cib
Gekko cicakterbang
Gekko coi (Attributes)
Gekko crombota (Babuyan Claro Gecko) (Attributes)
Gekko ernstkelleri (Attributes)
Gekko flavimaritus
Gekko gecko (Tokay Gecko) (Attributes)
Gekko gigante (Giant Gecko) (Vulnerable) (Attributes)
Gekko grossmanni (Grossmann's gecko) (Attributes)
Gekko guishanicus
Gekko gulat (Attributes)
Gekko hokouensis (Kwangsi Gecko) (Attributes)
Gekko horsfieldii (Horsfield's Flying Gecko) (Attributes)
Gekko hulk
Gekko intermedium (Intermediate Flying Gecko) (Attributes)
Gekko iskandari (Pak Djoko's Flap-legged Gecko) (Attributes)
Gekko japonicus (Japanese gecko) (Attributes)
Gekko jinjiangensis
Gekko kabkaebin
Gekko kaengkrachanense (Kaeng Krachan Parachute Gecko) (Attributes)
Gekko khunkhamensis
Gekko kikuchii (Botel gecko) (Attributes)
Gekko kuhli (Kuhl's Flying Gecko) (Attributes)
Gekko kwangsiensis (Kwangsi gecko) (Attributes)
Gekko lauhachindai (Lauhachindas Cave Gecko) (Critically Endangered) (Attributes)
Gekko liboensis (Attributes)
Gekko lionotum (Smooth-backed Gliding Gecko, Burmese Flying Gecko) (Attributes)
Gekko melli (SouthernPalm Gecko) (Attributes)
Gekko mindorensis (Mindoro Narrow-disked Gecko) (Attributes)
Gekko monarchus (Spotted House Gecko) (Attributes)
Gekko nadenensis (Attributes)
Gekko nicobarensis (Nicobar Gliding Gecko) (Endangered) (Attributes)
Gekko nutaphandi (Attributes)
Gekko palawanensis (Palawan Gecko) (Attributes)
Gekko palmatus (Palm Gecko, Palmated gecko) (Attributes)
Gekko petricolus (Thai Gecko, Sandstone Gecko) (Attributes)
Gekko phuyenensis
Gekko popaense
Gekko porosus (Taylor's Gecko)
Gekko pradapdao
Gekko reevesii (Reeves Tokay Gecko) (Attributes)
Gekko remotus (Attributes)
Gekko rhacophorus (Sabah Flying Gecko) (Attributes)
Gekko romblon (Philippine Gecko) (Attributes)
Gekko rossi (Ross Calayan Gecko) (Attributes)
Gekko russelltraini (Russell Trains Marble Gecko) (Vulnerable) (Attributes)
Gekko scabridus (Yunnan Gecko) (Attributes)
Gekko scientiadventura (Attributes)
Gekko sengchanthavongi (Sengchanthavong’s Gecko) (Vulnerable) (Attributes)
Gekko shibatai (Vulnerable) (Attributes)
Gekko siamensis (Siamese Green-eyed Gecko) (Attributes)
Gekko similignum
Gekko smithii (Smith's Green-eyed Gecko) (Attributes)
Gekko sorok
Gekko stoliczkai
Gekko subpalmatus (Attributes)
Gekko swinhonis (Peking Gecko) (Vulnerable) (Attributes)
Gekko taibaiensis (Mingtao's Gecko)
Gekko takouensis (Ta Kou Marbled Gecko) (Vulnerable) (Attributes)
Gekko tawaensis (Tawa Gecko) (Attributes)
Gekko thakhekensis (Thakhek Gecko) (Vulnerable) (Attributes)
Gekko tokehos
Gekko trinotaterra (Attributes)
Gekko truongi (Truongs Gecko) (Attributes)
Gekko verreauxi (Attributes)
Gekko vertebralis (Attributes)
Gekko verticellatus
Gekko vietnamensis (Vietnam Gecko) (Vulnerable) (Attributes)
Gekko vittatus (Lined Gecko) (Attributes)
Gekko wenxianensis (Attributes)
Gekko yakuensis (Yakushima Gecko) (Attributes)

External References

Species taxanomy provided by GBIF Secretariat (2022). GBIF Backbone Taxonomy. Checklist dataset accessed via on 2023-06-13; License: CC BY 4.0