Animalia > Chordata > Squamata > Typhlopidae > Ramphotyphlops

Ramphotyphlops (common blind snakes)


Wikipedia Abstract

Ramphotyphlops is a genus of nonvenomous blind snakes found in southern and southeast Asia and Australia, with one species inhabiting the Americas, as well as many islands in the southern Pacific Ocean. They occur in a wide variety of habitats. Currently, 49 species are recognized, making this the most second most diverse genus in the family Typhlopidae.
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Ramphotyphlops acuticauda (Palau Island Blind Snake)
Ramphotyphlops adocetus
Ramphotyphlops angusticeps (Arboreal Blind Snake)
Ramphotyphlops becki (Becks Blind Snake)
Ramphotyphlops bipartitus
Ramphotyphlops conradi (Conrad's Worm Snake)
Ramphotyphlops cumingii (Philippine Blind Snake)
Ramphotyphlops depressus (Melanesia Blindsnake)
Ramphotyphlops exocoeti (Christmas Island Blind Snake) (Endangered)
Ramphotyphlops flaviventer (Yellowbellied blindsnake) (Attributes)
Ramphotyphlops hatmaliyeb
Ramphotyphlops lineatus (Striped Blind Snake, Striped Worm Snake)
Ramphotyphlops lorenzi (Lorenz's Blind Snake)
Ramphotyphlops mansuetus (Small-headed Blind Snake)
Ramphotyphlops marxi (Marx's Worm Snake)
Ramphotyphlops mollyozakiae
Ramphotyphlops multilineatus (Hook-nosed blindsnake)
Ramphotyphlops olivaceus (Olive Blind Snake)
Ramphotyphlops similis (Manukwari Blind Snake)
Ramphotyphlops suluensis (Vulnerable)
Ramphotyphlops supranasalis (Salawati Blindsnake)
Ramphotyphlops willeyi (Loyalty Islands Blind Snake)

External References

Species taxanomy provided by GBIF Secretariat (2022). GBIF Backbone Taxonomy. Checklist dataset accessed via on 2023-06-13; License: CC BY 4.0