Animalia > Chordata > Perciformes > Sparidae

Sparidae (porgies)

Synonyms: Centracanthidae; Maenidae

Wikipedia Abstract

The Sparidae are a family of fish in the order Perciformes, commonly called sea breams and porgies. The sheepshead, scup, and red seabream are species in this family. Most sparids are deep-bodied compressed fish with a small mouth separated by a broad space from the eye, a single dorsal fin with strong spines and soft rays, a short anal fin, long pointed pectoral fins and rather large firmly attached scales. They are found in shallow temperate and tropical waters and are bottom-dwelling carnivores. Most species possess grinding, molar-like teeth. Some of the species, such as Polysteganus undulosus, have been subject to overfishing, or exploitation beyond sustainable recovery.
View Wikipedia Record: Sparidae


Abromasta (1)
Acanthopagrus (Seabream) (23)
Archosargus (sheepshead porgies) (3)
Argyrops (Porgy) (7)
Argyrozona (Seabream) (1)
Boops (5)
Boopsoidea (Porgy) (1)
Calamus (calamus) (17)
Centracanthus (2)
Cheimerius (2)
Chrysoblephus (Seabream) (6)
Chrysophrys (5)
Crenidens (4)
Crommyodus (1)
Cymatoceps (Seabream) (1)
Dentex (50)
Diplodus (spottail porgies) (26)
Ellaserrata (1)
Evynnis (Porgy) (4)
Gymnocrotaphus (Porgy) (1)
Lagodon (pinfishes) (2)
Liognathus (1)
Lithognathus (Porgy) (4)
Oblada (Seabream) (3)
Pachymetopon (3)
Pagellus (Porgy) (30)
Pagrus (15)
Paracalamus (1)
Parargyrops (1)
Petrus (Seabream) (1)
Polyamblyodon (Porgy) (2)
Polysteganus (Seabream) (10)
Porcostoma (Seabream) (1)
Pseudosparnodus (1)
Pshekharus (1)
Pterogymnus (Seabream) (1)
Rhabdosargus (Seabream) (6)
Rhythmias (2)
Sarpa (Seabream) (1)
Sciaenuropsis (1)
Sparidentex (4)
Sparnodus (7)
Sparodon (Seabream) (1)
Sparus (124)
Spicara (12)
Spondyliosoma (Seabream) (2)
Stenotomus (Seabream) (2)
Virididentex (Seabream) (1)

(...) = Species count

External References

Species taxanomy provided by GBIF Secretariat (2022). GBIF Backbone Taxonomy. Checklist dataset accessed via on 2023-06-13; License: CC BY 4.0