Animalia > Chordata > Cypriniformes > Cyprinidae > Cyprinella

Cyprinella (satinfin shiners)

Synonyms: Moniana

Wikipedia Abstract

Cyprinella is a genus of fish in the family Cyprinidae, the carps and minnows. They are known as the satinfin shiners. They are native to North America, and some are among the most common freshwater fish species on the eastern side of the continent. The largest species reach around 12 centimeters in length. Breeding males often develop bright coloration. Fish of the genus produce audible sounds during courtship and conflict.
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Cyprinella alvarezdelvillari (Tepehuan shiner) (Vulnerable)
Cyprinella analostana (Satinfin shiner) (Attributes)
Cyprinella bocagrande (Largemouth shiner) (Critically Endangered)
Cyprinella caerulea (Blue Shiner) (Endangered) (Attributes)
Cyprinella callisema (Ocmulgee shiner) (Attributes)
Cyprinella callistia (Alabama shiner) (Attributes)
Cyprinella callitaenia (Bluestripe Shiner) (Attributes)
Cyprinella calliura
Cyprinella camura (Bluntface shiner) (Attributes)
Cyprinella chloristia (Greenfin shiner) (Attributes)
Cyprinella eurystoma
Cyprinella formosa (Sardinita de Santa Maria) (Attributes)
Cyprinella galactura (Whitetail shiner) (Attributes)
Cyprinella garmani (Gibbous shiner)
Cyprinella gibbsi (Tallapoosa shiner) (Attributes)
Cyprinella labrosa (thicklip shiner) (Attributes)
Cyprinella leedsi (Bannerfin shiner) (Attributes)
Cyprinella lepida (Edwards Plateau shiner) (Endangered) (Attributes)
Cyprinella lutrensis (Red shiner) (Attributes)
Cyprinella monacha (Turquoise Shiner) (Vulnerable) (Attributes)
Cyprinella nivea (Whitefin shiner)
Cyprinella panarcys (Conchos shiner)
Cyprinella proserpina (Prosperine shiner) (Attributes)
Cyprinella pyrrhomelas (Fieryblack shiner) (Attributes)
Cyprinella rutila (Mexican red shiner)
Cyprinella spiloptera (Spotfin shiner) (Attributes)
Cyprinella stigmatura
Cyprinella trichroistia (Tricolor shiner) (Attributes)
Cyprinella venusta (Blacktail shiner) (Attributes)
Cyprinella whipplei (Steelcolor shiner) (Attributes)
Cyprinella xaenura (Altamaha shiner) (Attributes)
Cyprinella xanthicara (Cuatro Cienegas shiner) (Endangered)
Cyprinella zanema (Santee chub) (Attributes)

External References

Species taxanomy provided by GBIF Secretariat (2022). GBIF Backbone Taxonomy. Checklist dataset accessed via on 2023-06-13; License: CC BY 4.0