Animalia > Chordata > Squamata > Colubridae > Dendrelaphis

Dendrelaphis (Asian tree snakes and bronzebacks)

Wikipedia Abstract

Dendrelaphis is a genus of colubrid snakes, distributed from Pakistan, India and southern China to Indonesia, Timor-Leste, the Philippines, Australia, New Guinea and the Solomon Islands. There are over forty described species. Asian species are known as bronzebacks, while the Australo-Papuan species are simply called treesnakes.
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Dendrelaphis andamanensis (Andaman Bronze-back)
Dendrelaphis ashoki
Dendrelaphis bifrenalis (Boulenger's Bronzeback) (Attributes)
Dendrelaphis biloreatus (Gore's Bronzeback)
Dendrelaphis calligaster (Green treesnake, Nothern Tree Snake) (Attributes)
Dendrelaphis caudolineatus (Gray Bronzeback) (Attributes)
Dendrelaphis caudolineolatus (Gunther's Bronzeback Tree Snake) (Vulnerable)
Dendrelaphis chairecacos (Bronzeback tree snake)
Dendrelaphis cyanochloris (Wall's Bronzeback) (Attributes)
Dendrelaphis effrenis (Sinharaja tree snake) (Endangered)
Dendrelaphis flavescens (Sulu Bronzeback) (Attributes)
Dendrelaphis formosus (Elegant Bronzeback) (Attributes)
Dendrelaphis fuliginosus
Dendrelaphis gastrostictus (Montane treesnake) (Attributes)
Dendrelaphis girii (Boulenger's bronzeback tree snake)
Dendrelaphis grandoculis (Southern Bronzeback)
Dendrelaphis grismeri
Dendrelaphis haasi (Haass Bronzeback snake)
Dendrelaphis hollinrakei
Dendrelaphis humayuni (Tiwari's Bronzeback)
Dendrelaphis inornatus (Attributes)
Dendrelaphis keiensis
Dendrelaphis kopsteini (Kopstein’s Bronzeback Snake)
Dendrelaphis levitoni (Gray Bronzeback, Striped Bronzeback)
Dendrelaphis lineolatus
Dendrelaphis lorentzii (Lorentz River treesnake) (Attributes)
Dendrelaphis luzonensis (Attributes)
Dendrelaphis macrops (Green Tree Snake, Common Tree Snake)
Dendrelaphis marenae
Dendrelaphis modestus (Striped Bronzeback) (Attributes)
Dendrelaphis ngansonensis (Nganson Bronzeback)
Dendrelaphis nigroserratus (Wall's Bronzeback)
Dendrelaphis oliveri (Oliver's Bronzeback)
Dendrelaphis papuensis (Papuan treesnake) (Attributes)
Dendrelaphis philippinensis
Dendrelaphis pictus (Common Bronze-back, Painted Bronzeback, Indonesian Bronze-back) (Attributes)
Dendrelaphis proarchos
Dendrelaphis punctulatus (common tree snake) (Attributes)
Dendrelaphis schokari (Vulnerable)
Dendrelaphis striatus (Banded Bronzeback) (Attributes)
Dendrelaphis striolatus
Dendrelaphis subocularis (Mountain Bronzeback, Burmese Bronzeback) (Attributes)
Dendrelaphis terrificus (Terrific Bronzeback) (Attributes)
Dendrelaphis tristis (Bronzeback) (Attributes)
Dendrelaphis underwoodi (Underwoods Bronzeback snake)
Dendrelaphis vogeli
Dendrelaphis walli
Dendrelaphis wickrorum

External References

Species taxanomy provided by GBIF Secretariat (2022). GBIF Backbone Taxonomy. Checklist dataset accessed via on 2023-06-13; License: CC BY 4.0