Animalia > Chordata > Amphibia > Anura > Leptodactylidae > Leptodactylus

Leptodactylus (foam-nest frogs and white-lipped frogs)


Wikipedia Abstract

Leptodactylus is a genus of leptodactylid frogs. It includes the species commonly called ditch frogs or white-lipped frogs. It is very similar to Physalaemus, a close relative, and indeed the recently described Leptodactylus lauramiriamae is in some aspects intermediate between them.The name means ‘slender finger’, from lepto- (‘thin, delicate’) and the Greek dactylos (δάκτυλος, ‘finger, toe’).
View Wikipedia Record: Leptodactylus


Leptodactylus albilabris (Caribbean White-lipped Frog) (Attributes)
Leptodactylus apepyta
Leptodactylus avivoca
Leptodactylus barrioi
Leptodactylus bolivianus (Bolivian White-lipped Frog) (Attributes)
Leptodactylus bufonis
Leptodactylus bufonius (Vizcacheras' Frog) (Attributes)
Leptodactylus caatingae (Attributes)
Leptodactylus camaquara (Attributes)
Leptodactylus chaquensis (Cei's White-lipped Frog) (Attributes)
Leptodactylus colombiensis (Attributes)
Leptodactylus cunicularius (Attributes)
Leptodactylus cupreus (Attributes)
Leptodactylus didymus (Attributes)
Leptodactylus diedrus (Attributes)
Leptodactylus discodactylus (Vanzolini's Amazon Frog) (Attributes)
Leptodactylus elenae (Marbled Frog) (Attributes)
Leptodactylus fallax (Giant Ditch Frog) (Critically Endangered) (Attributes)
Leptodactylus flavopictus (Attributes)
Leptodactylus fragilis (Mexican White-lipped Frog) (Attributes)
Leptodactylus furnarius (Attributes)
Leptodactylus fuscus (rufous frog) (Attributes)
Leptodactylus gracilis (Dumeril's Striped Frog) (Attributes)
Leptodactylus griseigularis (Attributes)
Leptodactylus guianensis
Leptodactylus hallowelli
Leptodactylus hylodes (Attributes)
Leptodactylus insularum
Leptodactylus jolyi (Attributes)
Leptodactylus kilombo
Leptodactylus knudseni (Knudsen's thin-toed frog) (Attributes)
Leptodactylus labrosus (Attributes)
Leptodactylus labyrinthicus (Labyrinth Frog) (Attributes)
Leptodactylus laticeps (Frog) (Attributes)
Leptodactylus latinasus (Oven Frog) (Attributes)
Leptodactylus latrans
Leptodactylus lauramiriamae
Leptodactylus leptodactyloides (Attributes)
Leptodactylus lithonaetes (Attributes)
Leptodactylus longirostris (Attributes)
Leptodactylus luctator
Leptodactylus macrosternum (Attributes)
Leptodactylus magistris (magistris white-lipped Frogs) (Critically Endangered) (Attributes)
Leptodactylus marambaiae (Attributes)
Leptodactylus melanonotus (Black-eared frog) (Attributes)
Leptodactylus myersi (Myers' ditch frog) (Attributes)
Leptodactylus mystaceus (Basin White-lipped Frog) (Attributes)
Leptodactylus mystacinus (mustached frog) (Attributes)
Leptodactylus natalensis (Attributes)
Leptodactylus nesiotus (nesiotus white-lipped frog) (Attributes)
Leptodactylus notoaktites (Attributes)
Leptodactylus ochraceus (Attributes)
Leptodactylus oreomantis
Leptodactylus paraensis (Pará Thin-toed Frog) (Attributes)
Leptodactylus pascoensis (pascoensis white-lipped frog) (Attributes)
Leptodactylus pentadactylus (Tungara frog) (Attributes)
Leptodactylus peritoaktites (Coastal Ecuador Smoky Jungle Frog) (Endangered) (Attributes)
Leptodactylus petersii (Attributes)
Leptodactylus plaumanni (Attributes)
Leptodactylus podicipinus (Pointedbelly Frog) (Attributes)
Leptodactylus poecilochilus (Turbo White-lipped Frog) (Attributes)
Leptodactylus pustulatus (Ceara White-lipped Frog) (Attributes)
Leptodactylus rhodomerus (Red-thighed Thin-toed Frog) (Attributes)
Leptodactylus rhodomystax (Loreto White-lipped Frog) (Attributes)
Leptodactylus rhodonotus (Nauta white-lipped frog) (Attributes)
Leptodactylus rhodostima
Leptodactylus riveroi (Rivero's White-lipped Frog) (Attributes)
Leptodactylus rugosus (Attributes)
Leptodactylus sabanensis (Attributes)
Leptodactylus savagei (Savage's Thin-toed Frog) (Attributes)
Leptodactylus sertanejo (Attributes)
Leptodactylus silvanimbus (Honduras White-lipped Frog) (Critically Endangered) (Attributes)
Leptodactylus spixi (Attributes)
Leptodactylus stenodema (Attributes)
Leptodactylus syphax (Mato Grosso White-lipped Frog) (Attributes)
Leptodactylus tapiti (Attributes)
Leptodactylus troglodytes (Attributes)
Leptodactylus turimiquensis (Calf Frog) (Attributes)
Leptodactylus validus (Smooth-skinned ditch frog) (Attributes)
Leptodactylus vastus (Northeastern Pepper Frog) (Attributes)
Leptodactylus ventrimaculatus (Attributes)
Leptodactylus viridis
Leptodactylus wagneri (whistling frog) (Attributes)
Leptodactylus watu

External References

Species taxanomy provided by GBIF Secretariat (2022). GBIF Backbone Taxonomy. Checklist dataset accessed via on 2023-06-13; License: CC BY 4.0