Animalia > Chordata > Mammalia > Soricomorpha > Soricidae > Sorex

Sorex (long-tailed shrews)


Wikipedia Abstract

The genus Sorex includes many of the common shrews of Eurasia and North America, and contains at least 142 known species and subspecies. Members of this genus, known as long-tailed shrews, are the only members of the tribe Soricini of the subfamily Soricinae (red-toothed shrews). They have 32 teeth. In some species, a female shrew and her dependent young form "caravans", in which each shrew grasps the rear of the shrew in front, when changing location.
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Microsorex pratensis
Neosorex lacustris
Sorex alaskanus (Glacier Bay Water Shrew) (Attributes)
Sorex alpinoides
Sorex alpinus (Alpine Shrew) (Attributes)
Sorex altoensis
Sorex antinorii (Valais Shrew) (Attributes)
Sorex araneus (Eurasian shrew) (Attributes)
Sorex arcticus (Arctic Shrew) (Attributes)
Sorex arizonae (Arizona Shrew) (Attributes)
Sorex arunchi (Udine Shrew) (Attributes)
Sorex asper (Tien Shan Shrew) (Attributes)
Sorex averini (Dneper Common Shrew) (Attributes)
Sorex bairdi (Baird's Shrew) (Attributes)
Sorex bedfordiae (Lesser Striped Shrew) (Attributes)
Sorex bendirii (Marsh Shrew) (Attributes)
Sorex bifidus
Sorex bor
Sorex buchariensis (Pamir shrew) (Attributes)
Sorex caecutiens (Laxmann's Shrew) (Attributes)
Sorex camischaticus
Sorex camtschatica (Kamchatka Shrew) (Attributes)
Sorex cansulus (Gansu Shrew) (Attributes)
Sorex cinereus (masked shrew) (Attributes)
Sorex cinnamomeus
Sorex coronatus (Millet's Shrew) (Attributes)
Sorex crassicaudus
Sorex cudahyensis
Sorex cylindricauda (Stripe-backed Shrew) (Attributes)
Sorex daphaenodon (Siberian Large-toothed Shrew) (Attributes)
Sorex dehneli
Sorex dispar (rock shrew) (Attributes)
Sorex edwardsi
Sorex emarginatus (Zacatecas Shrew) (Attributes)
Sorex ertemteensis
Sorex excelsus (lofty shrew) (Attributes)
Sorex fejfari
Sorex fumeus (Smoky Shrew) (Attributes)
Sorex gaspensis (Gaspé Shrew) (Attributes)
Sorex gracilidens
Sorex gracillimus (Slender Shrew) (Attributes)
Sorex granarius (Lagranja shrew) (Attributes)
Sorex hagermanensis
Sorex haydeni (Prairie Shrew) (Attributes)
Sorex hibbardi
Sorex hosonoi (Azumi Shrew) (Attributes)
Sorex hoyi (pygmy shrew) (Attributes)
Sorex ibarrai
Sorex ishikawai
Sorex isodon (Taiga Shrew) (Attributes)
Sorex ixtlanensis (Ixtlan Shrew)
Sorex jacksoni (St. Lawrence Island Shrew) (Attributes)
Sorex kansasensis
Sorex kennardi
Sorex kinczumi
Sorex kinezumi
Sorex kozlovi (Kozlov's Shrew) (Attributes)
Sorex leahyi
Sorex leucogaster (Paramushir Shrew) (Attributes)
Sorex longirostris (Southeastern Shrew) (Attributes)
Sorex lyelli (Mt. Lyell Shrew) (Attributes)
Sorex macrodon (Large-toothed Shrew) (Vulnerable) (Attributes)
Sorex madrensis
Sorex margaritodon
Sorex maritimensis (Maritime Shrew) (Attributes)
Sorex mccarthyi
Sorex mediopua (Jalisco Shrew)
Sorex megapalustris
Sorex meltoni
Sorex merriami (Merriam's Shrew) (Attributes)
Sorex milleri (Carmen Mountain Shrew) (Vulnerable) (Attributes)
Sorex minutissimus (Eurasian Least Shrew) (Attributes)
Sorex minutoides
Sorex minutus (Eurasian Pygmy Shrew) (Attributes)
Sorex mirabilis (Ussuri Shrew) (Attributes)
Sorex monticolus (montane shrew) (Attributes)
Sorex nanus (Dwarf Shrew) (Attributes)
Sorex neomexicanus (New Mexico Shrew) (Attributes)
Sorex oreopolus (Mexican Long-tailed Shrew) (Attributes)
Sorex orizabae (Orizaba Long-tailed Shrew) (Attributes)
Sorex ornatus (Ornate Shrew) (Attributes)
Sorex pacificus (Pacific Shrew) (Attributes)
Sorex palustris (water shrew) (Attributes)
Sorex planiceps (Kashmir shrew) (Attributes)
Sorex portenkoi (Portenko's Shrew) (Attributes)
Sorex powersi
Sorex praealpinus
Sorex praearaneus
Sorex preblei (Preble's Shrew) (Attributes)
Sorex pribilofensis (Pribilof Island Shrew) (Endangered) (Attributes)
Sorex pseudoalpinus
Sorex raddei (Radde's Shrew) (Attributes)
Sorex rexroadensis
Sorex roboratus (Flat-skulled Shrew) (Attributes)
Sorex rohweri (Olympic Shrew)
Sorex runtonensis
Sorex rutilus
Sorex salvini
Sorex samniticus (Apennine Shrew) (Attributes)
Sorex sandersi
Sorex satunin
Sorex satunini (Caucasian Shrew) (Attributes)
Sorex saussurei (Saussure's Shrew) (Attributes)
Sorex savini
Sorex sclateri (Sclater's Shrew) (Critically Endangered) (Attributes)
Sorex scottensis
Sorex shinto (Shinto Shrew) (Attributes)
Sorex sinalis (Chinese Shrew) (Attributes)
Sorex sonomae (Fog Shrew) (Attributes)
Sorex spec
Sorex stizodon (San Cristobal Shrew) (Critically Endangered) (Attributes)
Sorex subaraneus
Sorex subminutus
Sorex tasnadii
Sorex taylori
Sorex tenellus (Inyo Shrew) (Attributes)
Sorex thibetanus (Tibetan Shrew) (Attributes)
Sorex trowbridgii (Trowbridge's Shrew) (Attributes)
Sorex tundrensis (Tundra Shrew) (Attributes)
Sorex ugyunak (Barren Ground Shrew) (Attributes)
Sorex unguiculatus (Long-clawed Shrew) (Attributes)
Sorex vagrans (Vagrant Shrew) (Attributes)
Sorex ventralis (Chestnut-bellied Shrew) (Attributes)
Sorex veraecrucis (Veracruz Shrew) (Attributes)
Sorex veraepacis (Verapaz Shrew) (Attributes)
Sorex volnuchini (Caucasian Pygmy Shrew) (Attributes)
Sorex yatkolai
Sorex yukonicus (Alaskan Tiny Shrew) (Attributes)

External References

Species taxanomy provided by GBIF Secretariat (2022). GBIF Backbone Taxonomy. Checklist dataset accessed via on 2023-06-13; License: CC BY 4.0