Land Use Data for Latitude 57.25 Longitude -135.25Area size: .5 degrees latitude by .5 degrees longitude Locations  Sitka National Historical Park
Agricultural Land UsesGrasslands - Extensive pastoralism EcosystemsBoreal drylands LivestockCattle Pigs Growing Period (days)150 to 179 180 to 209 Soil TypesPodzols TerrainPlain or plateau Slopes (degrees)5 to 8 8 to 16 16 to 30 30 to 45 above 45 Infant mortality (per 1000 live births)2 to 5 Mineral ExtractionSite Name (Type) | Minerals |
| Chromium | Apex | Gold, Copper, Silver | Arkie | Gold | Belle | Gold, Copper, Silver | Blue Lake | Nickel, Chromium, Cobalt, Copper, Zinc | Blue Lake Chromite Occurrence | Chromium | Boston Claim | Gold | Bullion | Gold | Cascade Copper Prospect | Copper | Cascade Prospect | Gold | Eagle Point | Iron, Gold | Edgecumbe Exploration Lode | Gold | Edgecumbe Exploration Placer (Placer) | Gold | Fish Bay Creek | Nickel, Stone | Gangola | Tungsten | Groundhog | Gold | Haley and Hanlon Copper-Nickel Prospect | Copper, Nickel, Cobalt | Halleck Island | Gold | Indian River | Chromium, Nickel | Kelp Bay, South Arm Copper-Zinc Occurrence | Copper, Zinc | Liberty | Gold, Copper, Silver | McGraw's Granite Creek Quarry (Surface) | Stone | Pande Basin (Placer) | Gold | Rodman Bay | Gold | Rodman Bay Gold Prospect | Gold | Siginaka Island | Copper | Siginaka Islands Copper Occurrence | Copper | South Arm | Copper | Starrigavan Bay | Gold | Sudnikovick Quarry (Surface) | Stone | Thetis | Gold, Lead, Silver | Trepple H | Nickel |
Agricultural use data provided by LADA, 2008. "Mapping Land Use Systems at global and regional scales for Land Degradation Assessment Analysis. Version 1.0" Nachtergaele F. & Petri M.