Land Use Data for Latitude 54.25 Longitude 18.75

Area size: .5 degrees latitude by .5 degrees longitude


Bunkier w Oliwie
Dolina Klodawy
Ostoja w Ujsciu Wisly
Twierdza Wisloujscie
Ujscie Wisly
Vistula river mouth

Agricultural Land Uses

Urban land


Temperate drylands

Growing Period (days)

150 to 179

Soil Types

Urban, mining

Slopes (degrees)

0.5 to 2

Population Density (persons per km2)

above 250

Infant mortality (per 1000 live births)

5 to 10

Mineral Extraction

Site Name (Type)Minerals
(Facility) Gdansk Complex Phos. Acid Plant (Processing Plant)Phosphorus-Phosphates

Agricultural use data provided by LADA, 2008. "Mapping Land Use Systems at global and regional scales for Land Degradation Assessment Analysis. Version 1.0" Nachtergaele F. & Petri M.
Mineral extraction data provided by USGS Mineral Resources Data System (MRDS), downloaded June 2, 2010.