Land Use Data for Latitude 51.75 Longitude 10.25

Area size: .5 degrees latitude by .5 degrees longitude


Bergwiesen und Teiche bei Zellerfeld
Ellersystem - Weilröder Wald - Sülzensee
Gipskarstgebiet bei Osterode
Göttinger Wald
Mausohr-Wochenstube Eichsfeld
Nationalpark Harz (Niedersachsen)
Nette und Sennebach
Oberharzer Teichgebiet
Seeanger, Retlake, Suhletal
Unteres Eichsfeld
Waldgebiet um Wenderhütte mit Soolbachtal und Sonnenstein

Agricultural Land Uses

Forestry - Pastoralism if moderate or higher
Cropped Agriculture with mod. intensive livestock
Cropped Agriculture with intensive livestock
Mixture crops- moderate livestock and large scale irrigation
Urban land
Sparsely vegetated areas - Mod. intensive pastoralism


Temperate humid
Temperate drylands




Cereals and cereal products
Sugar Beets

Growing Period (days)

150 to 179
180 to 209

Soil Types

Chernozems (Black soils rich in organic matter)
Cambisols (Horizon differentiation in the subsoil evident from changes in structure, colour, clay content or carbonate content)
Gleysols (Soils with clear signs of groundwater influence)
Histosols (Peat and muck soils)
Leptosols (Shallow soils)


Plain or plateau

Slopes (degrees)

0.5 to 2
2 to 5
5 to 8
16 to 30

Population Density (persons per km2)

10 to 50
50 to 250
above 250

Infant mortality (per 1000 live births)

2 to 5

Mineral Extraction

Site Name (Type)Minerals
(Facility) Goslar Smelter (Processing Plant)Cobalt
Bad Lauterberg AreaFluorine-Fluorite, Vanadium, Copper, Lead
Barite Operation (Processing Plant)Barium-Barite
Bischofferode Thomas Munzer (Underground)Potassium
Goslar (Processing Plant)Iron, Manganese
Grund Zn - Pb MineLead, Zinc, Silver, Cadmium, Copper
Huttenwerk Harz #3-Bieibetrieb Rf (Processing Plant)Lead
Huttenwerk Harz #3-Bieibetrieb Sm (Processing Plant)Lead, Cadmium
Rammelsberg Zn - Pb - Cu MineLead, Zinc, Copper, Barium-Barite, Silver, Bismuth

Agricultural use data provided by LADA, 2008. "Mapping Land Use Systems at global and regional scales for Land Degradation Assessment Analysis. Version 1.0" Nachtergaele F. & Petri M.
Mineral extraction data provided by USGS Mineral Resources Data System (MRDS), downloaded June 2, 2010.