Land Use Data for Latitude 44.25 Longitude -68.25

Area size: .5 degrees latitude by .5 degrees longitude


Acadia National Park

Agricultural Land Uses

Urban land
Open Water - Inland Fisheries


Temperate humid



Growing Period (days)

180 to 209

Soil Types



Plain or plateau

Slopes (degrees)

0.5 to 2
2 to 5
5 to 8
8 to 16

Population Density (persons per km2)

0 to 2
2 to 10
10 to 50

Infant mortality (per 1000 live births)

5 to 10

Mineral Extraction

Site Name (Type)Minerals
 Gold, Iron
American Union MineSilver
B and H Pit (Surface)Sand and Gravel, Construction
Bay View Copper Prospect (Underground)Copper
Blue Hill Bay Prospect (Underground)Copper, Silver
Boss O' the Bay Mine (Underground)Copper
Byron P. Young Sand and Gravel Pit (Surface)Sand and Gravel, Construction
Chief Isle MineSilver
Clergue & Pol MineSilver
Copper Harbor Prospect (Underground)Copper, Gold
Copper MineCopper
Curtis Prospect (Underground)Copper, Silver
D.L.Higgins Prospect (Underground)Copper
Early Dawn MineSilver
Eureka Mine (Underground)Copper, Silver
Ford MineSilver
Goodwin Pit (Surface)Sand and Gravel, Construction
Gouldsboro Mine (Surface-Underground)Copper, Gold, Lead, Silver
Grant Mine (Underground)Copper, Lead, Silver
Hancock Mine (Underground)Lead, Silver, Copper, Gold
Hector Mine (Underground)Antimony, Copper, Gold, Lead, Silver
Home Mine (Underground)Copper, Lead, Silver
Lamoine Pit (Surface)Sand and Gravel, Construction
Little Chief MineSilver
Little Sue Mine (Underground)Copper, Gold, Silver, Lead
Long Island Molybdenite Occurrence, East ShoreMolybdenum, Tungsten
Mcfarland Mine (Underground)Copper, Lead, Silver
Morancy Mine (Underground)Copper, Silver
O'Conner ProspectTin
Oakland Mine (Underground)Silver
Portable Crusher No. 1 (Processing Plant)Sand and Gravel, Construction
Pretty Marsh Mills, Pretty Marsh HarborMolybdenum
Romer Prospect (Underground)Copper
S.H.Robbins Prospect (Underground)Copper
Sawyer MineSilver
Smith Pit (Surface)Sand and Gravel, Construction
Stave Island MineSilver
Swans Island Mine (Underground)Gold, Silver
Swett MineSilver
Tremont Prospect (Underground)Copper, Silver
Victor MineLead, Silver
West and Soule Mine (Underground)Antimony, Copper, Gold, Lead, Silver
Western Union Prospect (Underground)Copper, Silver
Winter Harbor Pit and Mill (Surface)Sand and Gravel, Construction

Agricultural use data provided by LADA, 2008. "Mapping Land Use Systems at global and regional scales for Land Degradation Assessment Analysis. Version 1.0" Nachtergaele F. & Petri M.
Mineral extraction data provided by USGS Mineral Resources Data System (MRDS), downloaded June 2, 2010.