Land Use Data for Latitude 36.25 Longitude -116.75

Area size: .5 degrees latitude by .5 degrees longitude


Death Valley National Park

Agricultural Land Uses

Grasslands - Extensive pastoralism
Sparsely vegetated areas - Extensive pastoralism





Growing Period (days)

1 to 29

Soil Types



Plain or plateau
Mountain 800-1500 m, slope > 5%
Mountain 1500-2500 m, slope > 2%

Slopes (degrees)

0.5 to 2
2 to 5
5 to 8
8 to 16
16 to 30
30 to 45

Population Density (persons per km2)

2 to 10

Infant mortality (per 1000 live births)

2 to 5
5 to 10

Mineral Extraction

Site Name (Type)Minerals
Bentonite Placer Prospect (Surface)Bentonite
Bethome Shaft No. 2 (Underground)Copper
Billie MineBoron-Borates
Blanco Prospect (Surface-Underground)Clay
Borate A, B, C GroupBoron-Borates
Borate OccurrenceBoron-Borates
Borate OccurrencesBoron-Borates
Borate ProspectBoron-Borates
Borate ProspectsBoron-Borates
Butte Furnace Range Shaft (Underground)Copper
Canyon Portal ProspectGold
Copper BarCopper
Copper Blue ConsolidatedCopper
Copper GlanceCopper
Copper Matte ConsolidatedCopper
Copper OxideCopper
Death Valley Junction Pit (Surface)Sand and Gravel, Construction
Dunn Deposit (Underground)Fluorine-Fluorite
East ColemanBoron-Borates
Echo Gilt Edge (Underground)Gold
Free and EasyLead, Copper, Gold, Silver
Furnace CreekCopper
Furnace Creek Copper Co. Shaft (Underground)Copper
Furnace Range Copper Co. Shaft (Underground)Gold
Gold HillGold, Lead, Silver, Copper
Golden Eagle GroupGold, Silver, Copper
Golden Eagle Group (Underground)Gold, Copper, Silver
Gower GulchBoron-Borates
Green Gremlin ProspectCopper
Greenwater CanyonPumice, Zeolites
Greenwater Copper Co. Shaft (Underground)Copper
Hidden Spring ProspectCopper
Inyo Gold Mine (Underground)Gold, Iron, Manganese
Kaolin Mine (Underground)Kaolin
Kingfish No. 1 Prospect (Underground)Clay
Kingfish No. 2 Prospect (Underground)Clay
Lower Biddy Mccarthy MineBoron-Borates
Materials Site #266 (Surface)Sand and Gravel, Construction
O'Brien Canyon (Underground)Fluorine-Fluorite, Copper
Pearl No. 1 (Underground)Boron-Borates
Red Ampitheater (Surface)Clay, Stone, Dimension
Red Ampitheater Mineralized Zone (Surface)Strontium, Boron-Borates, Lithium
Southeast Mineralized Zone (Surface)Clay
Timmy Deposit (Surface)Talc-Soapstone
U. S. Borax Cone Hill ClaimsBoron-Borates
Upper Greenwater CanyonPumice
Widow No. 3 Mine (Underground)Boron-Borates
Yellow Heart Prospect (Surface)Clay

Agricultural use data provided by LADA, 2008. "Mapping Land Use Systems at global and regional scales for Land Degradation Assessment Analysis. Version 1.0" Nachtergaele F. & Petri M.
Mineral extraction data provided by USGS Mineral Resources Data System (MRDS), downloaded June 2, 2010.