Land Use Data for Latitude 36.75 Longitude -121.75

Area size: .5 degrees latitude by .5 degrees longitude


Elkhorn Slough Preserve

Agricultural Land Uses

Forestry - Pastoralism if moderate or higher
Urban land


Temperate humid
Temperate drylands
Mediterranean humid
Mediterranean drylands



Growing Period (days)

150 to 179
180 to 209

Soil Types

Phaeozems (Dark soils rich in organic matter)


Plain or plateau
Mountain 800-1500 m, slope > 5%

Slopes (degrees)

0.5 to 2
2 to 5
5 to 8
8 to 16
16 to 30
30 to 45

Population Density (persons per km2)

2 to 10
10 to 50
50 to 250
above 250

Infant mortality (per 1000 live births)

2 to 5

Mineral Extraction

Site Name (Type)Minerals
 Sand and Gravel, Construction
Alisal Silver ProspectsSilver
Aptos PlacerIron, Titanium, Metal
Arthur R. Wilson Quarry (Surface)Stone, Crushed/Broken
Barbee Ranch DepositsStone, Crushed/Broken
Bardin Estate (Surface)Sand and Gravel, Construction
Bardin ProspectsLimestone, General
Bardin RanchSand and Gravel, Construction
Bardin RanchStone
Bardin Ranch Deposits (Surface)Limestone, General
Bethlehem Steel CoLimestone, General
Borrow PitSand and Gravel, Construction
Cabrillo Sand and Gravel Pit (Surface)Sand and Gravel, Construction
Calera CanyonSand and Gravel, Construction
Canyon Rock Plant (Surface)Sand and Gravel, Construction
Carmel Valley Area (Surface)Phosphorus-Phosphates
De Amaral-Carmel Highlands DepositStone
Del Monte Prop. Co.-Saw Mill Gulch (Surface)Sand and Gravel, Construction
Del Monte Properties CoStone
Del Monte Quarry and Mill (Surface)Stone, Crushed/Broken
Echo ValleyStone
FerriniSand and Gravel, Construction
Foothill Road Pit (Surface)Sand and Gravel, Construction
Fremont Peak Deposit (Surface)Limestone, General
Granite Construction CoSand and Gravel, Construction
Granite Construction Co. (Surface)Sand and Gravel, Construction
Gravel PitSand and Gravel, Construction
Greco Pit (Surface)Sand and Gravel, Construction
Haber DepositSand and Gravel, Construction
Heins Lake (Surface)Clay
Hilltop Bar (Surface)Sand and Gravel, Construction
Holthouse RanchUranium
Ideal Cement Company (Processing Plant)Limestone, General, Clay
Jefferson Street QuarryStone
Lapis #110 Pit (Surface)Sand and Gravel, Construction
Limekiln Creek DepositLimestone, General
Logan Quarry and MillStone
Los VergalesLimestone, General
Los Vergales Ranch QuarryLimestone, General
Mcfarland Chromite (Surface-Underground)Chromium
Meadows GulchStone
Monterey Bay Salt Works (Brine Operation)Salt
Monterey Mission TileClay
Monterey Sand CoSand and Gravel, Construction
Monterey Sand Co MarinaSand and Gravel, Construction
Monterey Sand Co.-San Jose Creek (Surface)Sand and Gravel, Construction
Monterey Sand Co.-Sand City (Surface)Sand and Gravel, Construction
MorseSand and Gravel, Construction
Moss Landing Brick Plant (Processing Plant)Magnesite
Moss Landing Magnesia Plant (Processing Plant)Chromium, Magnesite
Natividad Calcining Plant (Processing Plant)Magnesite
Natividad DepositLimestone, General
Natividad Quarry & Mill (Surface)Magnesite, Limestone, General
Owens Illinois-Moss Beach (Surface)Sand and Gravel, Construction
Pac. Cement & Agg. Inc.-Prattco (Surface)Sand and Gravel, Construction
Pacific Cement and Aggregate IncSand and Gravel, Construction
Pacific Cement,Aggregates Inc-LapizSand and Gravel, Construction
Pine Canyon Pit (Surface)Sand and Gravel, Construction
Porter Deposit (Surface)Limestone, General
Ratton RanchStone
Rocky Ridge Tungsten (Surface)Tungsten
Ruthyen PitStone
Salinas BrickyardClay
Sann Juan Pit #6 (Surface)Sand and Gravel, Construction
Santa Lucia Quarrie LtdStone
Seaforth CorporationSand and Gravel, Construction
Seaside Sand and GravelSand and Gravel, Construction
Spreckels Sugar CoLimestone, General
Spreckles Pit (Surface)Sand and Gravel, Construction
Steward QuarryStone
Sugarloaf DepositLimestone, General
Sugarloaf Deposit (Surface)Limestone, General, Dolomite
Titus Gravel PitSand and Gravel, Construction
Titus PitSand and Gravel, Construction
Triumph Steel CoTitanium
Triumph Steel CoIron, Chromium, Titanium
Twin Lakes BeachGold
Valley Rock and Adobe Co. (Surface)Sand and Gravel, Construction
Williams Quarry (Surface)Stone, Crushed/Broken, Sand and Gravel, Construction
Wolter DepositSand and Gravel, Construction
Work Ranch DepositDiatomite

Agricultural use data provided by LADA, 2008. "Mapping Land Use Systems at global and regional scales for Land Degradation Assessment Analysis. Version 1.0" Nachtergaele F. & Petri M.
Mineral extraction data provided by USGS Mineral Resources Data System (MRDS), downloaded June 2, 2010.