Land Use Data for Latitude 38.75 Longitude -122.75

Area size: .5 degrees latitude by .5 degrees longitude


Boggs Lake Preserve
Boggs Mountain Demonstration State Forest

Agricultural Land Uses

Forestry - Pastoralism if moderate or higher
Shrubs - Extensive pastoralism
Agriculture - Large scale Irrigation (>25% pixel size)
Urban land


Temperate humid
Temperate drylands
Mediterranean humid





Growing Period (days)

60 to 89
120 to 149
150 to 179
180 to 209

Soil Types

Phaeozems (Dark soils rich in organic matter)


Plain or plateau
Mountain 800-1500 m, slope > 5%
Mountain 1500-2500 m, slope > 2%

Slopes (degrees)

2 to 5
5 to 8
8 to 16
16 to 30
30 to 45

Population Density (persons per km2)

0 to 2
2 to 10
10 to 50

Infant mortality (per 1000 live births)

2 to 5

Mineral Extraction

Site Name (Type)Minerals
 Stone, Dimension
 Limestone, Dimension
(Surface)Sand and Gravel, Construction
Absco Paving Co. (Surface)Sand and Gravel, Construction
Adobe Creek Pit (Surface)Sand and Gravel, Construction
Aetna ExtensionMercury
Alexander Valley Bar (Surface)Sand and Gravel, Construction
Alexander Valley Bars (Surface)Sand and Gravel, Construction
Anderson (Underground)Mercury
Anderson SpringsMercury
Ann BelcherMercury
Anne Belcher (Underground)Mercury
Archambeau ProspectManganese
Archer Tract (Surface)Copper
Auschivitz Property (Surface)Sulfur
Auschwitz PropertySulfur
Baby Jack (Underground)Copper
Baker Mine (Underground)Mercury
Baker RanchManganese
Baker Soda Spring (Well)Geothermal
Basalt Rock Co. (Surface)Sand and Gravel, Construction
Basalt Rock Co. (Surface)Stone
Baxter Prospect (Underground)Mercury
Baxter Prospect G. L. HildebrandMercury
Big Borax LakeStone
Big Chief MineMercury
Big Injun Mine (Surface)Mercury
Big Sulfur Creek Bar (Surface)Sand and Gravel, Construction
Black Oak # 1 (Surface-Underground)Mercury
Black PointManganese
Black Point ClaimManganese
Black Ranch (Surface)Calcium
Black RanchLimestone, Dimension
Boston Group (Surface-Underground)Mercury
Bottle Rock Quarry (Surface)Stone
Brooks Quarry (Surface)Stone
Brown ProspectChromium
Buckeye Mine (Underground)Mercury
Bullion Mine (Underground)Mercury
Burgaus RanchMagnesite
CalistogaSilver, Gold
Calistoga (Well)Geothermal
Calistoga Hot SpringsMercury
Camp and Yates GraveSand and Gravel, Construction
Carano Bar (Surface)Sand and Gravel, Construction
Cavagnaro ProspectManganese
Chicago Mine (Underground)Mercury
Christianson TractCopper
Christienson Tract (Underground)Copper
Cinder Products Company (Surface)Pumice
Cinnaber King Group (Underground)Mercury
Clark and March Kaolin MineClay
Clark and Marsh KaolinClay
Clark and Marsh Kaolin MineClay
Clear Lake Gem Mining Company Or & Near Perini HillGemstone
Clear Lake-Sulphur BankMercury
Clearlake Gem Mining CompanyGemstone
Clearlake Highlands Pit (Surface)Sand and Gravel, Construction
Cloverdale (Surface-Underground)Mercury
Cobb Mountain Oyster RockManganese
Cobb Mountain Prospect (Surface)Manganese
Coleman ProspectManganese
Coleman Pumice (Surface)Pumice
Colman Prospect (Surface)Manganese
Contact (Underground)Mercury
Copany and Jones Prospect (Surface)Asbestos
Copper Prince Mine (Surface)Copper
Coppey Claime (Surface)Chromium
Copsey and Jones ProspectAsbestos
Copsey and Moore PropertyManganese
Copsey ClaimsChromium
CornucopiaCopper, Cobalt
Crystal (Underground)Mercury
Culver BaerMercury
Culver Bear (Surface)Mercury
Derrick Tin Prospect (Surface)Tin
Dewey S (Underground)Mercury
Downey EstateManganese
Downey Estate ProspectManganese
Doyle Pit (Surface)Sand and Gravel, Construction
Drake Bar (Surface)Sand and Gravel, Construction
Dreamland MineManganese
Dry Creek Gravel Co (Surface)Sand and Gravel, Construction
Dunkin Lode MineMercury
Eagle Rock (Underground)Mercury
Ellen Pit and Mill (Surface)Sand and Gravel, Construction
Elliot Prospect (Surface)Manganese
Emmet JonesChromium
Evans Pit (Surface)Sand and Gravel, Construction
Flagstaff (Surface-Underground)Mercury
Foppiano QuarryStone
Foss ProspectManganese
Frazell Pit (Surface)Sand and Gravel, Construction
Gauer Bar (Surface)Sand and Gravel, Construction
Geyser Quarry (Surface)Stone
Geyserville Bar (Surface)Sand and Gravel, Construction
Goodman Bros. DepositDiatomite
Gordon Springs (Surface)Mercury
Gordon Springs DepositsChromium
Grace Brothers, Inc.Sand and Gravel, Construction
Grace Ranch PitSand and Gravel, Construction
Granada Mine (Surface-Underground)Mercury
Gravel Pit (Surface)Sand and Gravel, Construction
Great Eastern and Mount JacksonMercury, Chromium
Great NorthernMercury
Great WesternMercury, Chromium
Great Western Mine (Surface-Underground)Mercury
Guerneville Mine & Mill (Surface)Stone
Harold Groom Pit #2 (Surface)Sand and Gravel, Construction
Harold Groom Trucking Inc. (Surface)Sand and Gravel, Construction
Harp and Sons Ranch Deposits.Chromium
Hays ProspectMercury
Healdsburg Bar (Surface)Sand and Gravel, Construction
Healdsburg Lode (Surface)Copper
Healdsburg Pit and Mill Plant No 2 (Surface)Sand and Gravel, Construction
Helen Mine (Surface)Mercury
Henry Von Claim (Surface)Manganese
Henrys Pit and Mill (Surface)Sand and Gravel, Construction
Herrick ProspectManganese
Hgi Sand and Gravel Pit (Surface)Sand and Gravel, Construction
Hitchcock Brothers Cinders (Surface)Pumice
Holmstedt DepositsChromium
Holmstedt Property (Surface)Chromium
Hughes Bradbary (Surface)Mercury
Huntington Bros. General Contractrs (Surface)Stone
Immel PropertyMineral Pigments
Immel Property (Surface)Stone, Crushed/Broken
Inman Shale Quarry (Surface)Stone, Crushed/Broken
James Creck PlacerMercury
Jewess Mine (Underground)Mercury
Jimtown Pit (Surface)Sand and Gravel, Construction
Joyce Prospect (Underground)Mercury
Jumbo (Surface)Mercury
Kangaroo Court MineChromium
Kellett Mine (Surface-Underground)Mercury
Kelsey Creek Bar 5 (Surface)Sand and Gravel, Construction
Kelsey Creek North Pit (Surface)Sand and Gravel, Construction
Kentuck (Underground)Mercury
Kims Yard Ii (Surface)Clay
Kissack Prospect (Surface)Mercury
Konocti Mine (Surface)Mercury
Konocti Mine BellMercury
Konocti Quarry (Surface)Stone, Crushed/Broken, Volcanic Materials
Lange Pit and Mill (Surface)Sand and Gravel, Construction
Last Chance (Underground)Mercury
Liberty Strike (Underground)Manganese
Little FallsManganese
Little Falls DepositManganese
Livermore Quicksilver Mine (Surface-Underground)Mercury
Lucitta Mine (Underground)Mercury
Magnola MineChromium
Maricoma Quicksilver Mine (Underground)Mercury
Mark West Shale Quarry (Surface)Stone
Mary HurleyMercury
Marylyne ProspectAsbestos
Mastick Ranch DepositChromium
Mastick Ranch DepositsChromium
Maxwell Bros. (Surface)Sand and Gravel, Construction
Mccutchan Ranch Bar (Surface)Sand and Gravel, Construction
Mcdonald PropertyManganese
Mcmurphy Pit (Surface)Sand and Gravel, Construction
Mcpherson RanchChromium
Mead ProspectManganese
Melville Ranch (Underground)Magnesite
Mercury Bank Mines (Underground)Mercury
Middle Reach Bar (Surface)Sand and Gravel, Construction
Middleton MiddletownMercury
Middletown Pit and Mill (Surface)Sand and Gravel, Construction
Midway Mine (Surface)Mercury
Mill Creek RoadStone
Mirabel Mine (Surface)Mercury
Mohawk (Surface)Mercury
Norton Ranch (Surface)Magnesite
Oat HillMercury
Oat Hill Mine (Surface)Mercury
Old ChapmanMercury
Old Dough ClaimManganese
Otto Mine (Underground)Mercury
Overlook ClaimManganese
Pacific GroupMercury
Pattenburg Refractory Magnst. Mine. (Underground)Magnesite
Paul Warner PropertyManganese
Pine FlatManganese
Pine Flat DistrictManganese
Pine Mountain Pieta CreekManganese
Pine Mountain Prospects (Surface-Underground)Manganese
PitSand and Gravel, Construction
Plymouth MineMercury
Popp and Nichelini ClaimChromium
Purviance Ranch (Underground)Calcium
Putah Creek Bar (Surface)Sand and Gravel, Construction
Putah Creek Bar 3 (Surface)Sand and Gravel, Construction
Putah Creek Pit (Surface)Sand and Gravel, Construction
Putah Creek Pit and Mill (Surface)Sand and Gravel, Construction
Putah Creek Plant (Surface)Sand and Gravel, Construction
Quarry (Surface)Stone
R H Travis and AssociatesMercury
Raineys Ready-Mix (Surface)Sand and Gravel, Construction
Rattlesnake (Underground)Mercury
Red Lava Pit and Mill (Surface)Pumice
Red Pit (Surface)Pumice
Red Rock and Sliver RockMercury
Red Rock Quarry (Surface)Pumice
Reimon & Garrett Gravel Co. (Surface)Sand and Gravel, Construction
Research Mine (Underground)Mercury
Rich Hill MineMercury
Rich Hill Mine Hardester, BucksnorterMercury
River Oaks Ranch Bar (Surface)Sand and Gravel, Construction
River Road Pit (Surface)Sand and Gravel, Construction
Rodger Hellgren Sand and Gravel (Surface)Sand and Gravel, Construction
Roundtop Mtn Quarry (Surface)Pumice
Rowan DepositManganese
Russian River Bar (Surface)Sand and Gravel, Construction
S-Bar-S Quarry (Surface)Pumice
S-Bar-S RanchDiamond
S-Bar-S Ranch (Surface)Diatomite
S. Lenz and Son Basalt Quarry and Plant.Stone
S. Lnz. and Sn Bslt Qrry and Plnt (Surface-Underground)Stone
Saint Clair Bar (Surface)Sand and Gravel, Construction
Schaffer (Surface)Garnet
Schaffer ProspectChromium
Scott RanchMercury
Scott Ranch PropertyMercury
Search GroupCopper
Seigler SpringsStone, Dimension
Seigler Springs (Surface)Stone
Sharp ProspectManganese
Silverado Mine Calistoga Mount St. HelenaSilver, Gold
Smythe Manganese ProspectManganese
Snaker Property (Surface)Chromium
Socrates (Surface)Mercury
Soda Rock Bar (Surface)Sand and Gravel, Construction
Sonoma (Underground)Mercury
Sonoma GroupMercury
South Pit (Surface)Sand and Gravel, Construction
Spring HillManganese
Spruce Road Bar (Surface)Sand and Gravel, Construction
Squaw Creek (Underground)Copper
Sulphur Bank Mine (Surface)Mercury, Sulfur
Sutro MineChromium
Sweet/Kuimelis Bar (Surface)Sand and Gravel, Construction
T -B-M ProspectGold
T-B-M Prospect (Surface)Gold
Thorpe Mine (Underground)Mercury
Todd Pit (Surface)Sand and Gravel, Construction
Toyon Mine (Surface-Underground)Mercury
Toyon Mine Granada SwitzerMercury
Trudell Rock Co. (Surface)Sand and Gravel, Construction
Twin Peaks MineMercury
Von GlahnManganese
Vsto-Bullion Mine (Surface)Mercury
Walker Prospect (Underground)Mercury
Wall SpringsMercury
Wall Street Mine (Surface)Mercury
Wall TractCopper, Mercury
Ward TractCopper
Warner and Clark ClaimChromium
Warner PropertyManganese
Weiper Mine (Surface)Mercury
Westside Bridge Pit (Surface)Sand and Gravel, Construction
Wheeler ProspectManganese
Whispering Pines ProspectChromium
White ElephantMercury
White Elephant ProspectMercury
White-O-Ranch ProspectManganese
Windsor Pit (Surface)Sand and Gravel, Construction
Wispering PinesChromium
Young Adams ProspectChromium

Agricultural use data provided by LADA, 2008. "Mapping Land Use Systems at global and regional scales for Land Degradation Assessment Analysis. Version 1.0" Nachtergaele F. & Petri M.
Mineral extraction data provided by USGS Mineral Resources Data System (MRDS), downloaded June 2, 2010.