Land Use Data for Latitude 38.25 Longitude -122.75

Area size: .5 degrees latitude by .5 degrees longitude


Bishop Pine Preserve
California Coast Ranges Biosphere Reserve
Fairfield Osborn Preserve
Point Reyes National Seashore
Samuel P. Taylor State Park
Tomales Bay State Park

Agricultural Land Uses

Forestry - Pastoralism if moderate or higher
Urban land
Sparsely vegetated areas - Mod. intensive pastoralism
Open Water - Inland Fisheries


Temperate humid
Temperate drylands
Mediterranean humid



Growing Period (days)

150 to 179
180 to 209

Soil Types

Phaeozems (Dark soils rich in organic matter)


Plain or plateau
Mountain 800-1500 m, slope > 5%

Slopes (degrees)

0.5 to 2
5 to 8
8 to 16
16 to 30
30 to 45

Population Density (persons per km2)

0 to 2
2 to 10
10 to 50
50 to 250
above 250

Infant mortality (per 1000 live births)

2 to 5

Mineral Extraction

Site Name (Type)Minerals
 Stone, Crushed/Broken
 Stone, Crushed/Broken, Limestone, General
(Surface)Sand and Gravel, Construction
Afsten Sand Pit (Surface)Sand and Gravel, Construction
Altamont (Underground)Copper, Mercury
Altamont Copper GroupMercury, Copper
Annadel FarmPerlite
Baldrini Prospect (Underground)Chromium
Bender Dell BenderTungsten
Black MountainStone, Crushed/Broken
Black MountainStone
Black PointSand and Gravel, Construction, Stone, Crushed/Broken
Blue Rock Pit and MillStone, Dimension
Blue Rock Quarry (Surface)Stone, Crushed/Broken
Borello Quarry (Surface)Stone, Crushed/Broken
Burdell MountainStone, Crushed/Broken
Burl Howell Quarry (Surface)Stone
Cambou QuarryStone, Crushed/Broken
Candy RockStone
Canyon Rock Pit and MillStone
Canyon Rock Quarry (Surface)Stone, Crushed/Broken
Chenoweth Quarry (Surface)Stone, Crushed/Broken
Chileno Valley (Underground)Mercury
Chileno Valley StoneStone, Crushed/Broken
Clar Quarry (Surface)Stone
Clark Quarry (Surface)Stone
Dillon Beach Pit (Surface)Sand and Gravel, Construction
Dinucci Quarry (Surface)Stone, Crushed/Broken
Foerchler (Surface)Manganese
Foerchler ProspectManganese
Fort BakerGold, Manganese
Freeman and Sondgroth (Surface)Flagstone
Ft. BakerStone, Crushed/Broken
Gaver ProspectChromium
Ghilotti Bros. - Marin Co. (Surface)Stone, Dimension
Ghilotti Brothers Quarry (Surface)Stone, Crushed/Broken
Giovaninni Quarry (Surface)Stone, Crushed/Broken
Graham Quarry (Surface)Stone, Crushed/Broken
Gravel Pit (Surface)Sand and Gravel, Construction
Hein Bros. Basalt Rock Co.Stone
Hell's Half Acre Quarry (Surface)Stone, Crushed/Broken
Highway 20 Site (Surface)Sand and Gravel, Construction
Hillside Quarry (Surface)Stone, Crushed/Broken
HoffmanStone, Crushed/Broken
Holst-Weeks ProspectManganese
Inverness RidgeGold
Joulie QuarryStone
Knutte DepositManganese
Lafranchi Quarry (Surface)Stone, Crushed/Broken
Maillard RanchManganese
Maillard RanchChromium
Malnati QuarryStone
Mark West Creek (Surface)Sand and Gravel, Construction
Martinelli Ranch Quarry (Surface)Stone, Crushed/Broken
Martinoni Quarry (Surface)Stone, Crushed/Broken
Massa HillGemstone
Mazza Mazza RanchManganese
Mazza Prospect (Surface)Nickel
Mcnear Point QuarryStone, Crushed/Broken
Meachim HillStone
Meeker Ocher Deposit (Underground)Stone, Crushed/Broken
Mirabel Sand & Gravel (Surface)Sand and Gravel, Construction
Mount Hood Mine (Surface-Underground)Chromium
Mount Tamalpais Cemetery Quarry.Stone, Dimension, Stone, Crushed/Broken
Murphy Ranch DepositMercury
Negro HillStone
Nuns Canyon Quarry (Surface)Stone, Crushed/Broken
O ConnorStone
Parker Hill RanchSand and Gravel, Construction
Petaluma - Pt. ReyesManganese
Petaluma Hill RoadStone, Crushed/Broken
Petaluma Mine (Surface)Mercury
Petaluma Plant No. 7Stone, Dimension
Petaluma Quarry (Surface)Stone, Crushed/Broken
Petaluma-Point Reyes ProspectManganese
Pronini RanchSand and Gravel, Construction
QuarryStone, Crushed/Broken
Quarry (Surface)Stone
Quarrys (Surface)Sand and Gravel, Construction
Richter DepositDiatomite
San GeronimoGold
Sand Pit (Surface)Sand and Gravel, Construction
Sandpits (Surface)Sand and Gravel, Construction
Skinner RanchGraphite
Sonoma Creek Pit (Surface)Sand and Gravel, Construction
Spaletta Quarry (Surface)Sand and Gravel, Construction
Stage Gulch Quarry , Inc. (Surface)Stone, Crushed/Broken
Stony Point Quarry (Surface)Stone, Crushed/Broken
Stony Point Quarry and MillStone
Sullinger ClaimChromium
Sulsan Bay Dredge (Offshore)Sand and Gravel, Construction
Tomales PointGold
Trinity Quarry (Surface)Stone, Dimension
Valley of the MoonStone, Crushed/Broken
West Mayacmas District ReportChromium, Mercury
Z and G Quarry and MillStone, Dimension
Zamaroni Quarry (Surface)Stone, Crushed/Broken
Zaney GravelsStone

Agricultural use data provided by LADA, 2008. "Mapping Land Use Systems at global and regional scales for Land Degradation Assessment Analysis. Version 1.0" Nachtergaele F. & Petri M.
Mineral extraction data provided by USGS Mineral Resources Data System (MRDS), downloaded June 2, 2010.