Climate Data for Latitude 56.25 Longitude 9.25Köppen climate classification: Cfb (Climate: warm temperate; Precipitation: fully humid; Temperature: warm summer) Bredsgård Sø Hald Ege, Stanghede og Dollerup Bakker Harrild Hede, Ulvemosen og heder i Nørlund Plantage Hessellund Hede Karup Å Kongenshus Hede Mønsted og Daugbjerg Kalkgruber og Mønsted Ådal Rosborg Sø Sepstrup Sande, Vrads Sande, Velling Skov og Palsgård Skov
Averages (Metric) EnglishType | Units | Jan | Feb | Mar | Apr | May | Jun | Jul | Aug | Sep | Oct | Nov | Dec | Period |
Min Temp | C° | -2.7 | -2.9 | -1.1 | 1.7 | 5.6 | 8.8 | 11.3 | 11.1 | 8.7 | 5.1 | 1.5 | -1.3 | 106 years | Mean Temp | C° | -0.3 | -0.2 | 2.0 | 5.9 | 10.6 | 13.7 | 15.9 | 15.7 | 12.6 | 8.4 | 4.1 | 1.2 | 109 years | Max Temp | C° | 2.3 | 2.6 | 5.2 | 10.1 | 15.7 | 18.6 | 20.6 | 20.3 | 16.7 | 11.7 | 6.7 | 3.6 | 109 years | Frost | Days | 30.8 | 28.2 | 30.9 | 23.8 | 15.1 | 7.4 | 0.2 | 1.1 | 6.6 | 20.7 | 26.6 | 31.0 | 109 years | Wet | Days | 18.7 | 12.2 | 15.4 | 11.9 | 11.6 | 12.6 | 11.9 | 13.9 | 14.8 | 16.8 | 19.7 | 19.0 | 109 years | Precipitation | mm | 62.0 | 41.6 | 44.7 | 39.8 | 44.3 | 54.4 | 68.5 | 73.8 | 74.5 | 80.0 | 78.5 | 68.1 | 109 years | Potential Evapotranspiration | mm | 8.6 | 12.3 | 26.7 | 50.9 | 83.9 | 94.1 | 100.5 | 83.6 | 53.2 | 24.0 | 7.9 | 7.1 | 42 years |
Averages (English) MetricType | Units | Jan | Feb | Mar | Apr | May | Jun | Jul | Aug | Sep | Oct | Nov | Dec | Period |
Min Temp | F° | 27.1 | 26.8 | 29.9 | 35.1 | 42.0 | 47.8 | 52.3 | 51.9 | 47.6 | 41.1 | 34.7 | 29.6 | 106 years | Mean Temp | F° | 31.5 | 31.7 | 35.6 | 42.6 | 51.1 | 56.6 | 60.6 | 60.2 | 54.7 | 47.1 | 39.3 | 34.1 | 109 years | Max Temp | F° | 36.1 | 36.6 | 41.4 | 50.2 | 60.2 | 65.5 | 69.0 | 68.6 | 62.0 | 53.1 | 44.0 | 38.5 | 109 years | Frost | Days | 30.8 | 28.2 | 30.9 | 23.8 | 15.1 | 7.4 | 0.2 | 1.1 | 6.6 | 20.7 | 26.6 | 31.0 | 109 years | Wet | Days | 18.7 | 12.2 | 15.4 | 11.9 | 11.6 | 12.6 | 11.9 | 13.9 | 14.8 | 16.8 | 19.7 | 19.0 | 109 years | Precipitation | in | 2.4 | 1.6 | 1.8 | 1.6 | 1.7 | 2.1 | 2.7 | 2.9 | 2.9 | 3.1 | 3.1 | 2.7 | 109 years | Potential Evapotranspiration | in | 0.3 | 0.5 | 1.1 | 2.0 | 3.3 | 3.7 | 4.0 | 3.3 | 2.1 | 0.9 | 0.3 | 0.3 | 42 years |
Climate data provided by CRU TS 3.1 - University of East Anglia Climate Research Unit (CRU). [Phil Jones, Ian Harris]. CRU Time Series (TS) high resolution gridded datasets, [Internet]. NCAS British Atmospheric Data Centre, 2008, Accessed: 28-July-2011 Charting software provided by pChart - a PHP class to build charts. The calculation method for the potential evapotranspiration is the FAO grass reference equation (Ekstrom et al., 2007, which is based on Allen et al., 1994).
It is a variant of the Penman Monteith method using TMP, TMN, TMX, VAP, CLD.