Lake Takvatn Foodweb for Holopedium gibberum

Lake Takvatn
Aythya fuligula
(Tufted Duck)
Bucephala clangula
(Common Goldeneye)
Clangula hyemalis
Gavia arctica
(Black-throated Loon)
Gavia stellata
(Red-throated Loon)
Larus canus
(Mew Gull)
Melanitta nigra
(Black Scoter)
Mergus serrator
(Red-breasted Merganser)
Salmo trutta
(Brown trout)
Sterna paradisaea
(Arctic Tern)
Salvelinus alpinus
(Arctic charr)
Gasterosteus aculeatus
(Alaskan stickleback)
Holopedium gibberum

Ecosystem provided by Food web topology and parasites in the pelagic zone of a subarctic lake, Per-Arne Amundsen, Kevin D. Lafferty, Rune Knudsen, Raul Primicerio, Anders Klemetsen and Armand M. Kuris, Journal of Animal Ecology 2009, 78, 563–572