Notice (8): Trying to access array offset on value of type null [APP/Template/Birdareas/display.ctp, line 2]

Western cliff faces of the Ustyurt Plateau IBA

Area:1,954,171 acres (790,825 hectares)
IBA Criteria:A1
Website:View website
Climate:View Climate Data
Köppen climate classification:BWk (Climate: arid; Precipitation: desert; Temperature: cold arid)
Land Use:View Land Use Data


Name IBA Criteria  Website 
Aquila heliaca (Eastern Imperial Eagle)A1
Falco cherrug (Saker Falcon)A1
Falco naumanni (Lesser Kestrel)A1

Important Bird Area provided by BirdLife International (2010) Important Bird Areas. Downloaded from on 29/12/2010
Köppen climate classification provided by Kottek, M., J. Grieser, C. Beck, B. Rudolf, and F. Rubel, 2006: World Map of Köppen-Geiger Climate Classification updated. Meteorol. Z., 15, 259-263