Notice (8): Trying to access array offset on value of type null [APP/Template/Birdareas/display.ctp, line 2]

Lachua-Ikbolay IBA

Area:523,236 acres (211,746 hectares)
IBA Criteria:A1, A3
Website:View website
Climate:View Climate Data
Köppen climate classification:Aw (Climate: equatorial; Precipitation: winter dry)
Land Use:View Land Use Data


Name IBA Criteria  Website 
Arremonops chloronotus (Green-backed Sparrow)A3
Celeus castaneus (Chestnut-colored Woodpecker)A3
Cotinga amabilis (Lovely Cotinga)A3
Dendrocincla anabatina (Tawny-winged Woodcreeper)A3
Electron carinatum (Keel-billed Motmot)A1, A3
Euphonia gouldi (Olive-backed Euphonia)A3
Icterus prosthemelas (Black-cowled Oriole)A3
Lanio aurantius (Black-throated Shrike-Tanager)A3
Manacus candei (White-collared Manakin)A3
Microcerculus philomela (Northern Nightingale-Wren)A3
Myadestes unicolor (Slate-colored Solitaire) 
Ornithion semiflavum (Yellow-bellied Tyrannulet)A3
Pampa curvipennis (Wedge-tailed Sabrewing)A3
Psarocolius montezuma (Montezuma Oropendola)A3
Ramphocelus passerinii (Passerini's Tanager)A3
Ramphocelus sanguinolentus (Crimson-collared Tanager)A3
Tyrannus couchii (Couch's Kingbird)A3
Vireolanius pulchellus (Green Shrike-Vireo) 

Important Bird Area provided by BirdLife International (2010) Important Bird Areas. Downloaded from on 29/12/2010
Köppen climate classification provided by Kottek, M., J. Grieser, C. Beck, B. Rudolf, and F. Rubel, 2006: World Map of Köppen-Geiger Climate Classification updated. Meteorol. Z., 15, 259-263