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♦ 1Seed predators are undeterred by nectar-feeding ants on Chamaecrista nictitans (Caesalpineaceae), Scott Ruhren, Plant Ecology 166: 189198, 2003.
♦ 2Predator-Prey Database for the family Asilidae (Hexapoda: Diptera) Prepared by Dr. Robert Lavigne, Professor Emeritus, University of Wyoming, USA and Dr. Jason Londt (Natal Museum, Pietermaritzburg)
♦ 3Spatial and seasonal dietary patterns of the desert horned lizard (Phrynosoma platyrhinos): harvester ant specialist or generalist ant feeder?, Newbold, T. A. Scott, MacMahon, James A., Canadian Journal of Zoology v. 87 no. 2 (February 2009) p. 112-23