Plantae > Tracheophyta > Magnoliopsida > Ericales > Sapotaceae


Synonyms: Achradaceae; Boerlagellaceae; Bumeliaceae; Sarcospermataceae

Wikipedia Abstract

The Sapotaceae are a family of flowering plants belonging to order Ericales. The family includes about 800 species of evergreen trees and shrubs in around 65 genera (35-75, depending on generic definition). Their distribution is pantropical. Trees of the genus Palaquium (gutta-percha) produce an important latex with a wide variety of uses. The seeds of the tree Argania spinosa produce an edible oil, traditionally harvested in Morocco.
View Wikipedia Record: Sapotaceae


Achras (2)
Amorphospermum (1)
Aubregrinia (1)   (1)
Aulandra (3)   (1)
Autranella (1)   (1)
Baillonella (baillonella) (3)
Bemangidia (1)   (1)
Breviea (1)
Bumelia (18)
Burckella (15)   (3)
Capurodendron (26)   (15)
Chromolucuma (5)   (1)
Chrysophyllum (chrysophyllum) (79)   (8)
Delpydora (2)
Diploknema (8)
Diploon (1)
Donella (19)   (6)
Eberhardtia (3)
Ecclinusa (13)   (1)
Elaeoluma (5)
Englerophytum (23)   (5)
Eoachras (1)
Faucherea (12)   (1)
Gambeya (17)   (2)
Gluema (2)   (1)
Illipophyllum (1)
Inhambanella (3)
Isonandra (16)   (3)
Kaikoraia (1)
Labatia (3)
Labourdonnaisia (8)
Labramia (11)   (1)
Lecomtedoxa (6)   (3)
Letestua (1)
Madhuca (madhuca) (118)   (26)
Magodendron (2)
Manilkara (manilkara) (89)   (21)
Micropholis (micropholis) (43)   (6)
Mimusops (mimusops) (77)   (10)
Neohemsleya (1)
Neolemonniera (3)   (1)
Niemeyera (4)
Northia (1)
Ochrothallus (1)
Omphalocarpum (32)   (2)
Pachystela (3)
Palaquiophyllum (1)
Palaquium (palaquium) (127)   (26)
Payena (25)   (4)
Pichonia (13)   (4)
Pilimparicutis (1)
Planchonella (129)   (15)
Pleioluma (40)   (5)
Pouteria (pouteria) (245)   (38)
Pouterlabatia (1)
Pradosia (27)   (6)
Pycnandra (63)   (20)
Sapotaceoidaepollenites (2)
Sapotacites (7)
Sapoteites (1)
Sapoticarpum (1)
Sapotispermum (1)
Sapotophyllum (1)
Sapotoxylon (1)
Sarcaulis (1)
Sarcaulus (6)
Sarcosperma (16)
Sersalisia (7)
Siderinium (1)
Siderophyllum (1)
Sideroxylon (bully trees) (131)   (13)
Spiniluma (2)
Synsepalum (synsepalum) (39)   (12)
Tieghemella (3)   (2)
Tridesmostemon (3)   (1)
Tsebona (1)
Van-royena (1)
Vidoricum (1)
Vitellaria (vitellaria) (4)
Vitellariopsis (5)
Xantolis (14)

(...) = Species count
(...) = Endangered count
(...) = Invasive count

External References

Species taxanomy provided by GBIF Secretariat (2022). GBIF Backbone Taxonomy. Checklist dataset accessed via on 2023-06-13; License: CC BY 4.0