Alaska Tundra Foodweb for Arctostaphylos alpinus (alpine bearberry)

Alaska Tundra
Asio flammeus
(Short-eared Owl)
Buteo lagopus
(Rough-legged Hawk)
Canis lupus
Corvus corax
(Northern Raven)
Falco columbarius
Ursus arctos
(Grizzly Bear)
Lanius excubitor
(Northern Shrike)
Tachycineta bicolor
(Tree Swallow)
Vulpes vulpes
(Red Fox)
Acanthis flammea
(Common Redpoll)
Branta hutchinsii
(Cackling Goose)
Calcarius lapponicus
(Lapland Longspur)
Lagopus lagopus
(Willow Ptarmigan)
Lemmus sibiricus
(brown lemming)
Mustela erminea
Poecile hudsonicus
(Boreal Chickadee)
Bombus polaris
Myodes rutilus
(northern red-backed vole)
Arctostaphylos alpinus
(alpine bearberry)
Ecosystem provided by Making The Forest And Tundra Wildlife Connection